About Me

Hi! I'm Sarah Farsh, Global Art Director for Whole Foods Market by day, Professional Belly Dancer by night, occasional Health Food Blogger, and Full-Time Dragon Girl. This is my humble food blog, loaded with recipes and learnings for you to enjoy! Follow my Instagram page for more recipes and veggie stories on demand @enterdragoness.

Daily Mantra: Eat A Rainbow, Save A Unicorn. I'm really passionate about healthy living and have been immersed with a rich culinary background through Whole Foods Market for over 13 years. I study, practice, follow and learn about the healthiest food on the planet through leading experts, food trends and happenings around the world. I love sharing the joy and benefits that a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle provides, and crafting healthier alternatives to all food that taste yummy, keeps you healthy and makes you feel really good from the inside to out. Food should always taste good! It's easy to boost and maintain vibrant energy while improve overal health by switching to a primary plant base diet. You'll also support our planets sustainability in the most impactful way, and help leave the world more better than before.

I love cooking, eating and sharing my super easy recipes that taste yummy, keeps you healthy and makes you feel really good inside and out. I like to eat and prepare whole foods that hold the highest amount of nutrient density available. Primarily raw and unprocessed, single ingredient foods such as fruits, veggies, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains. 

I don't like to eat things like processed foods, foods that are sold in a box with a lot of ingredients I can't pronounce or animal based food. I also stay away from processed sugars and fats, artificial sweeteners, dairy, meat, chicken and egg products.

This is the nutrition pyramid that I follow:

By eating the rainbow everyday, you're optimizing your health and achieving an ideal body weight with high proportion of nutrients to calories. For permanent weight loss and optimal health, I eat more micronutrients. Fresh colorful plants contain the largest assortment of micronutrients and phytochemicals, relatively low in calories, rich in fiber, high in water content and full of fiber, so they fill us up without excess calories. Simply put, eat real food to help you glow from the inside out. 

Macronutrients = Calories Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats
Micronutrients = Zero Calories Vitamins, Minerals, Phytochemicals from Whole Plants

All of my recipes are crafted in mind for you to Eat More Greens, Eat Plant Protein: Beans/Legumes, Eat Your Water: Fresh Fruits/Veggies, Eat Healthy Fats: Avocado/Nuts/Seeds, Eat Food with Highest Nutrient Density Score, to Stop Counting Calories and Start Nourishing. 

I have been aware of healthy eating ever since I was a little girl (thanks to my mom). 

But thanks to society, for a while I made some poor food choices. I always loved to cook and frequently cooked what I thought was healthy food. I typically cooked things such as roasted chicken, grass-fed steaks, roasted vegetables loaded in olive oil, roasted potatoes, charcuterie boards and artisanal cheese platters. 

I never thought I would ever or could ever give up a lot of those things. I didn't even have any interest to until I randomly ended up at a lecture for work by Dr. Fuhrman in April, 2010. It completely revolutionized my way of eating. 

I gradually moved from good to better, better to best. I became obsessed with upping my vegetable intake, and rearranged all my meals to consist mainly of vegetables. Amplifying Micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals from whole plants) and mindfully enjoying whole-food Macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fats). I minimized my intake of animal protein to almost zero, cut out processed foods, dairy, processed sugar, salt used for preserving purpose (or foods high in sodium), and processed oil from my regular diet. I wasn't perfect, but I significantly improved my diet. About a year later, I went to an Eat Right America Immersion program to learn more about the plant-base diet and health benefits. I also gained an incredible amount of knowledge on this lifestyle of eating.

Today, many things motivate me to continue eating a plant-base diet, whole-food diet. Since I started this plant-based lifestyle in 2010, I lost and kept down a total of 27 lbs, and most importantly - feel amazing and energized. In addition to weight loss benefits, I value the environmental benefits a plant-base diet makes to our environment, and how much easier it is to enjoy. 

If you're looking for some more motivation on introducing more whole food and plant-based eating into your diet, I highly suggest doing some reading and research on your own. For great plant-based readings to start with, I recommend: Eat To Live by Dr. Fuhrman, The Happy Vegan by Russell Simons, Skinny Bitch by Kim Barnouin and The China Study by T. Colin Campbell. To help you set new boundaries for a food plan that works best for you, I suggest reading Never Binge Again by Glenn Livingston and filling out THIS Food Plan Starter. It's also smart to educate yourself and understand why we're so easily addicted to all the processed foods out there, and you can learn about food industry secrets that keep you addicted to these processed foods in Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss.

If you're not a book person, here are some great informational documentaries: Forks Over Knives by Lee Fulkerson, Cowspiracy by Kip Andersen, Earthlings by Shaun Manson, and Food, Inc. by Robert Kenner. 

If you're just a visual learner, here are some great plant base and vegan Instagrammers to follow: @missionmeli, @foodmarshall, @wickedhealthy, @bestofvegan and +Vegan Food Share.  While I often post sneaks to recipes on demand via Instagram at @enterdragoness, you may find archives living here. 

I decided to create this food blog for my friends, family and those who are looking for some inspiration to help make healthier choices. All of the food photos are taken by me with a camera phone in the kitchen, outside in the garden, or during travels. I hope you enjoy my stories along with recipes, and that they inspire you to eat more veggies!

I love hearing from you and would be happy to answer any questions. I believe there's a healthier alternative to everything on the planet, and we deserve only the best. If you're looking to learn more about a plant-based lifestyle or how to get started, just email me!

Living Lasagna V2

